On November 28, 2018, Jon Kinyon's story, "WHO MURDERED MY FATHER?" was published on the OZY magazine website.
The day after it appeared, a friend contacted Jon and told him that the story was going viral on the popular Discord website and on Reddit, being shared thousands and thousands of times. He checked, and sure enough, there it was on the top of the list on Discord. Jon quickly clicked over to visit the OZY website and found it splashed on the front page as the “Most Popular Story on OZY.”
That was a big confidence booster. It was the moment he decided to write the book, "San Francisco's Hottest Cold Case" on his own, no matter how long it would take to finish.
You can read the OZY story here: KINYON.SUBSTACK.COM
Jon Kinyon
Obit in the Palo Alto Times
1967 passport photo
Charcoal drawing of Andy, 1970